Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Artificial intelligence in online casino games

That's a subject very talked these days.

Is it possible that an artificial intelligence program can win in casino games more than humans? I think that's absolutely possible!

Some days ago I read some news about how a group of developers design a program to play in this sites and supposedly win a lot. Then of course come the problems, in all, or most of all the online gambling sites the bots or AI programs are strictly forbidden.

But now comes to the table another problem... how they could know if the player is an human player or if its an AI bot?

That's an extremely difficult problem if the AI bots emulates the human behaviour correctly.

If the bots are developed very carefully to emulate our behaviour it can be impossible detect the difference.

And the solutions that exists nowadays to prevent other kind of bots, for example, the CAPTCHAs aren't a solution in this case. You can't put a captcha before every player makes a move!

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